JUMP TOCorserv Solutions REST APIsAccount services for external API accessUpdates user profile emailputConsumer credit line increaseputTransaction datagetStatement datesgetFinds a statementgetDashboard data for a card and accountgetPayment services for external API accessUpdate payment accountputDeletes payment accountdeleteCreate payment accountpostCreate paymentpostFind payment post datesgetFind scheduled paymentsgetFind payment historygetFinds payment accountsgetCancel paymentdeleteBrand Relationship GatewayFinds a relationshipgetCreate a relationship recordpostDeletes a relationshipdeletePre-Qualification Relationship GatewayPre-qualification accountpostPre-qualification applicationpostAuthentication services for external API accessLog in a client API user.postRegister a card holderpostLogin a card holderpostLogin a card holder with SSOpostPowered by Statement datesget https://extapidi2-1601d:8443/api/v1/gateway/ext/cardholder/statementdatesStatement date information for a card